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Which product is right for me?Updated 3 months ago

Cup or Disc:

Which inserted product is right for you will depend on a number of different factors ranging from cervix height to pelvic floor strength to personal preference. Each individual is beautifully unique, so while we will go over a few of the differences between the products here, be sure to check out our Saalt Cup & Disc Quiz to receive a personalized recommendation (the quiz will take you over to our U.S. site - you'll need to head back over to to finalize your order). 

The Saalt Cup sits lower in the vaginal canal than a tampon and uses the air holes near the rim to form a seal between the vaginal wall and the cup. This allows the cup to collect your flow and stay in place. To remove the cup, you would locate the stem of the cup, walk your fingers up the stem to the base, pinch the base to release the seal, and wiggle the cup out. The cup comes in Regular, Small, and Teen sizes as well as Original or Soft firmness options. 

The Saalt Disc sits in the higher space of the vaginal canal near the cervix called the vaginal fornix. The disc uses its rim to rest in place against the pubic bone rather than forming a seal like a cup. To remove the disc, one would insert a clean finger into the vaginal canal, locate the removal notch, hook the notch and dislodge the disc from behind the pubic bone, and bring the disc down and out. The disc comes in Regular or Small sizes. 

To learn more about the differences between the cup and disc be sure to check out our FAQs as well as our Youtube channel. This video talks about the differences and similarities between and menstrual cup and menstrual disc. 

If you are interested in Saalt Wear, a great place to start is to recognize first why you're interested in leakproof underwear. Saalt Wear is wonderful for all leaks including period flow, postpartum flow, bladder leaks, discharge, and sweat. You can also wear Saalt Wear alone, or as a backup to an inserted product like a tampon, menstrual cup, or menstrual disc. If you are looking for Saalt Wear to free bleed, for postpartum care, or for incontinence, we recommend our regular and heavy flow absorbency styles. If you are wanting Saalt Wear for more as a backup to an inserted product like tampon, menstrual cup, or menstrual disc, consider regular or light flow styles. You can learn more about our absorbency levels by clicking on this link

If you find you're in between sizes, generally we recommend sizing down as Saalt Wear expands and forms generously to your curves. Take a look at our sizing chart: 

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